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Rabu, 02 November 2011

Hadith About Hajj and Umrah

Hadith About Hajj and Umrah

1. Whoever perform Hajj in this house is not done wickedly rafats and then he returned as the day his mother was born. {HR. Bukhari}
Explanation: Rafats meaning the word out who foments lust obscene or intercourse.
2. Among the first who with Umrah Umrah second deletion sins committed between them {} and pilgrimage Mabrur no reward except paradise.
3. Most afdhol jihad is hajj who Mabrur.
4. It adl Tawaf prayer and if necessary speak who should speak well.
5. A servant I sehatkan him and I extend to him his livelihood and passed five years no pilgrimage to the house then he will lose. {HR.Al-Bayhaqi}
6. Whoever has the stock and vehicles who can deliver it to Baitillahil unlawful and do not go for Hajj then why not for him died as a Jew or a Christian.
7. Talbiah Prophet is:

I come {meet} O God summons me to come. I came and no partner for Thee I come. Verily all praise and dominion is yours keni'matan no partner to You. .
8. Prophet welcomes people who go to Hajj:

May God receive forgiveness of sins and replace your expenses for hajj.

Source : (Without Translation)

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