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Jumat, 11 November 2011

Apparel Women In Islam

Allah Ta'ala says:

وقل للمؤمنات يغضضن من أبصارهن ويحفظن فروجهن ولا يبدين زينتهن إلا ما ظهر منها وليضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن
"Say to the believing women," Let them hold their views and their genitals. Let them show off their adornment, except that (had) seen from him. And let them put her to breast-khimar their chest. "(Surat an-Nur: 31)

Jewelry is jewelry that is used by women to ornate, apart from the origin of its creation (his body).
Khimar is something that is used by women to cover her head, face, neck, and chest.

From Ibn Umar radhiallahu anhuma he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:

من جر ثوبه من الخيلاء لم ينظر الله إليه قالت أم سلمة يا رسول الله فكيف تصنع النساء بذيولهن قال ترخينه شبرا قالت إذا تنكشف أقدامهن قال ترخينه ذراعا لا تزدن عليه

"Whoever elongate fabric for pride then God will not see it." Umm Salamah said, "O Messenger of Allah, what should be done by the women with the end of their clothes?" He replied, "You should grow it out an inch." Umm Salamah asked again, "If so, then it will open their legs!" He replied, "You can add one cubit and no more." (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi no. 1731 and An-Nasa'i no. 5241)
Cubit is from the tip of middle finger to the elbow.

From Abu Hurayrah radhiallahu anhu he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:

صنفان من أهل النار لم أرهما قوم معهم سياط كأذناب البقر يضربون بها الناس ونساء كاسيات عاريات مميلات مائلات رءوسهن كأسنمة البخت المائلة لا يدخلن الجنة ولا يجدن ريحها وإن ريحها ليوجد من مسيرة كذا وكذا

"There are two groups who are both residents of hell I had never seen: (1) People who have whips like the tails of cattle, he used to hit people. (2) The women are dressed but naked, walking with berlenggok-swing, easy to be seduced or philander, their hair (bouffant) like a camel hump. These women can not go to heaven, can not even smell heaven. And the smell of paradise that can be smelled from such and such. "(Narrated by Muslim, no. 2128)

Meaning of 'dressing remained naked' is: He closed his private parts but some others appeared. And there is a stated its meaning is: He covered the nakedness but with a thin dress that seems part of his body. See Sharh Muslim: 14/356

Concise explanation:

The third proposition above shows obligatory for a Muslim hijab.
Hijab is syar'i is a woman covering her entire body and jewelry, which with this hijab she deter foreigners (non-mahram) to look at all of its parts or jewelry that she wears. And this veil can be a form of clothing and can also dwell in the house.

As for covering the entire body, it covers the face and both hands. This is shown in surah An-Nur above from several sides:
1. Allah ordered the believers to beat their view of their non-mahram. And his gaze will not be perfect unless the woman is the perfect hijab with hijab covering her entire body. While no doubt that uncovers the face is the biggest reason to look at him.
2. Allah forbids to show a bit of jewelry outside the non-mahram, except those in urgent situations because it can not be hidden, such as outer clothing. If Allah Ta'ala forbid jewelry to show the outside (except body), then surely face and the hands which are jewelry attached to a woman more obliged again to hide.
3. Allah Ta'ala ordered to extend their khimar-chest down to his chest, while khimar is something women use to cover his head. If khimar ordered to extended down to his chest, then surely face automatically covered by the khimar.
Aisha radhiallahu anha said, "May God have mercy on the women who first Emigrants. When Allah revealed, "And let them put her to breast-khimar their chest," they tore their cloths and make it as a khimar. "
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said, 'Speech' and then they make it as khimar ', namely: They use it to cover their faces. "(See Fath al-Bari: 8 / 489)

As for the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar at the top, then he explains about some things:
1. Feet female genitalia is a mandatory closed.
2. Isbal ban only applies to men and do not apply to women.
3. The maximum length of women's clothing is the cubit of the ankles, not more than that.

While the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah explain about the terms of the hijab and hijab in general, namely:
1. Hijab should not be so thin that show what's behind it.
2. Hijab should not be tight so as to form the curve of her body.
3. Woman walking with berlenggok illegitimate, because it is the manifest form of jewelry.
4. Obligatory to keep the woman of honor and shame them.
5. Cover part of the body and reveal some other body is tantamount to bare.

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