but our founding fathers believed that PANCASILA people's heart has grown in the archipelago long before that even they believe that there has been PANCASILA along with the inclusion of age in the history of the archipelago. To commemorate the birth of PANCASILA, I will describe to you all about the history PANCASILAPANCASILA arcing as the state is not possible regardless of the role of a Japanese organization called Pathways to Independence Business Investigation Agency, or often abbreviated BPUPKI Indonesia, Japan formed BPUPKI who was already hard pressed by the allies as a cover to take care of the people of Indonesia to no longer perform military resistance against the Japanese who are in weak condition.BPUPKI was formed on 29 April 1945, members BPUPKI combines all the elements of race and class at that time the Dutch East Indies: Java, Sunda, Sumatra, Celebes, Chinese, and even Japan itself. Chaired by the vice chairman Radjiman Widyodiningrat and a man named Yosio Hibangase Japanese nationals. Although Japan was formed only as a cover, but the national movement leaders such as Sukarno, Supomo, and other uses BPUPKI M.Yamin earnest to compile anything it takes the future of Indonesia after independence.BPUPKI did his first meeting on May 28, 1945, the first meeting is scheduled on the basic formula and the Indonesian state philosophy. The first meeting lasted for five days until the 1st of June, and within five days that there are three people who submitted a draft basic design of the state are:
Muhammad Yamin on May 29 speech on the basis of the state and concluded that five principles:
- Peri Kebangsaan
- Peri Ketuhanan
- Kesejahteraan Rakyat
- Peri Kemanusiaan
- Peri Kerakyatan
- Persatuan
- Mufakat Demokrasi
- Keadilan Sosial
- Kekeluargaan
- Musyawarah
- Kebangsaan Indonesia
- Internasionalisme dan Peri Kemanusiaan
- Mufakat atau Demokrasi
- Kesejahteraan Sosial
- Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa
- Sosionasionalisme
- Sosiodemokrasi
- Ketuhanan dan berkebudayaan
- Gotong Royong
This reflects that the most basic principle of the Unitary State of the close cooperation between people. By applying the principle of mutual cooperation in social life, Sukarno believed that Indonesia will become a prosperous and tranquil country.Disanakah completed until the birth of a country basis? that easy huh? Of course not.You are like clay, PANCASILA we know it today is different to what the proposed BPUPKI Sukarno in Meeting on June 1, 1945. why is that? Check out her story!After the first meeting to discuss the basic state BPUPKI completed and did not produce a formula acceptable to all parties as the state, so that the basic formulation BPUPKI state mandates handed to the committee headed by Sukarno 9. BPUPKI 9 to form a committee for the task itself BPUPKI still have not finished discussing issues such as finance, economy, territory, and citizenship.9 committee chaired by Sukarno in charge of the basic formulation of the state, nine-member committee:
Sukarno's Nationalist group
Muhammad Hatta Nationalist groups
Ahmad Subarjo Nationalist groups
Muhammad Yamin Nationalist groups
Wahid Hashim Islamic group
Abdul Kahar Muzakir Islamic group
Abikusno Cokrosuyoso Islamic group
Agus Salim Islamic group
A.A Maramis Christian groupfinal decision issued nine committee meeting on June 22, 1945, known as the Jakarta Charter states that the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia is as follows:
Divinity with Islamic law obligations run for followers-followers
Just and civilized humanity
The unity of Indonesia
Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberations of representatives
Social justice for all people of IndonesiaYaa! finally the formulation of the basic state we know as the official PANCASILA already tercetuskan through a charter called Jakarta Charter or the Jakarta Charter. but ... look carefully, look at the first principle! belunm was still exactly as we know it today, there are still contained the phrase "duty to run for followers of Islamic law-adherents' was the basic formulation of the state that will last forever will not be made as easy as that, still there is a story about the final revision of PANCASILAThere are many versions of stories about the events that I can actually change the first PANCASILA precepts contained in the Jakarta Charter here I'll try to briefly expose the different versions of him
Group at the last Nationalist leader Sukarno on August 18, 1945 shortly before the ratification of the Constitution and the basic state by lobbying groups PPKI Sukarno Islam (Wahid Hashim et al) to respect the non-Islamic groups in society. And to maintain the integrity and unity of the Republic of Indonesia, Sila first converted into a Belief in God Almighty that can be interpreted to include all of five religions in Indonesia
The second version is a tougher version because it says that Hatta received a report from a Japanese police chief reported that the Christians formed a separatist movement that does not agree with the first principle in PANCASILA. Hatta was immediately conveyed this to the committee of nine, and step towards the first principle to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia was taken. The second version is still not strong due to a lack of evidence, such as the police chief who is? Christian separatist movement and where it is formed is still unknownOf both versions, it can be concluded that the Founding Father took the decision to change the first principle is a step to honor PANCASILA Homeland and ensure freedom of anyone of the people in this country to adopt a religion without coercion. With all the controversial events that eventually on August 18, 1945 PPKI PANCASILA formalize the way we know today as the foundation and philosophy of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.The story of the birth PANCASILA already finished up here, but our efforts in upholding PANCASILA never over, until at any time, any person claiming to be a native citizen of Indonesia must be embedded deep in his heart beads PANCASILA to realize the ideals of our founding fathers Indonesia with all the wealth that will prosper with the cooperation among the people. because the most basic principle is mutual cooperation in PANCASILAHAPPY BIRTH DAY PANCASILA
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