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Senin, 28 Mei 2012

The importance of taxes for State Development

The importance of taxes for State DevelopmentTaxes are an important element in the development of divulging state in paying taxes, so people are well aware of the importance of paying taxes because I agree that if the tax is known motto of us, by us, and to kita.Moto has a very good sense that is of us (as taxpayers) are also for us to enjoy the results that we give the tax can be a good highway facilities (not a lot of potholes that can harm the riders on the road), enjoy various subsidies from the government (such as the freeing of the BOS funds paid the primary and junior high schools in Indonesia), fuel subsidy (this happens if the international oil price increases in June 2008 which reached $ 100/barrel), etc..In Indonesia alone There are several tax types are:

    Income Tax (VAT). VAT is a tax imposed on the individual or entity on income received or accrued in a tax year. Income is defined as
any increase in economic capability comes from Indonesia and outside Indonesia that can be used for consumption or to increase the wealth with the name and in whatever form. Thus, it can be a profit earning business, salary, honoraria, gifts, and so forth.

Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT is a consumption tax imposed on taxable goods or taxable services within the Customs Area. Personal, corporate, and government who consumes taxable goods or taxable services subject to VAT. Basically, any goods and services are taxable goods or taxable services, unless otherwise stipulated by the VAT Act. That a single VAT rate is 10%. In terms of exports, the VAT rate is 0%. What is meant with the Customs territory of the Republic of Indonesia, which covers land, peraian, and the air space above it.

Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPn BM). In addition to VAT, on goods belonging to a particular taxable luxury, BM is also subject to VAT. The definition of taxable goods classified as luxury is:

The goods are not a staple goods; or
Goods are consumed by a particular community, or
In general, the goods are consumed by high income people; or
The goods are taken to indicate status, or
If consumption can damage the health and morals, and disturbing public order.

Stamp duty. Stamp Duty is a tax imposed on documents, such as letters of agreement, deed, and receipt of payment, securities, and securities, which includes a nominal amount of money or over a certain amount in accordance with the provisions.

Land and Building Tax (PBB). The UN is a tax levied on the ownership or use of land or buildings. The UN is nevertheless Tax Centre realized revenue of almost all the UN handed over to local governments both provincial and district / city.Bea Acquisition of Land and Buildings (BPHTB). BPHTB is a tax imposed on the acquisition of land and or buildings. Like the UN, although BPHTB managed by the central government but the realization BPHTB entirely handed over to local governments both provincial and regency / municipality in accordance with the provisions.Therefore, as good citizens we should pay taxes and obey not use the blackmarket goods (goods that enter without mealui selndupan customs). Go ahead and clear the tax director general of "rogue elements" tax to enrich themselves.

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