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Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

The Meaning of "Youth Pledge" (According Myself)

Youth Pledge is one of the historic events in Indonesia. Youth Pledge which took place on October 28, 1928 it possessed a very deep meaning for the nation.

In terms of history, the Youth Pledge has many meanings, including:
This is evidenced by the contents of his own youth oath stating that the sons and daughters of Indonesia landless water, one nation and one language that is "Indonesia"
Youth Pledge event is a continuation of the Indonesian struggle for independence. Who initially struggles to do with regionalism are now done with unitedly fought together.
Youth Pledge patriotieme showed high spirit among the youth of Indonesia, the absence of a sense of patriotism, it is impossible Youth Pledge event will occur.

The meaning of the Youth Pledge for the various circles of society:
For the Government Officials:
Youth Pledge shows youth participation in government activities.
For the Employee Safety and Order community:
Youth Pledge to be a motivator to be able to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia from various threats that can destroy the Homeland both from within and from outside the Homeland.
For the Community:
Youth Pledge shows the persistence of youth devoted himself to transform and fight for the community.
For the Students:
Youth Pledge pad teach young people to continue to fight for their nation. Youth aadalah times for work. At Maa that we have more strength to work, then this is when hendaknyakita advantage to devote themselves to our nation. Fight and work for the progress of Indonesia.

However, if viewed from every walk of life, the Youth Pledge has a similar meaning, ie "Unity", for the integral beloved country Indonesia.

Written above is just based on my thinking, if there is less true, please comment ya, :)

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