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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Legal Dating In Islam

Legal Dating In Islam

The term courtship can not escape from the teens, since one feature of
adolescents who stands out is the feeling of pleasure to the opposite sex accompanied
desire to have. At this time, a teenager usually
began to "crush" the opposite sex. Then he tried to approach
for a chance to reveal the contents of his heart. After
approach was successful and tit for tat, and they both started

Dating can mean many things, but the point is
the love relationship between a teenager with the opposite sex. Practice
courtship also diverse, there is simply send a letter,
phone, pick up, deliver or accompany go somewhere,
apples, until someone like a husband and wife.

Among teenagers today, dating to the identity of the
very proud of. Usually a teenager would be proud and confident
yourself if you already have a boyfriend. Instead adolescents who have not
have a boyfriend considered less slang. Because of this, find a girlfriend in
among teens is not just a biological need, but also
a sociological needs. So no wonder, if now
majority of teens already have a special friend called "boyfriend".

Then how courtship in the view of Islam?
The term courtship is actually unknown in Islam. For the term
relationships between men and women before marriage, Islam
introduced the term "khitbah (woo". When a man
like a woman, then he should mengkhitbahnya with
intent to marry her in the near future. During the period khitbah,
both must keep in order not to violate the rules
established by Islam, such as tandem, discussed the
genitalia, touching, kissing, looked with lust, and do
should husband and wife.

There is a striking difference between going out with khitbah. Courtship
not associated with planning a wedding, while khitbah
is a step towards marriage. Equations are both
is a relationship between two beings of the opposite sex who
not in marriage.
From the side of the equation, actually almost no difference between
courtship and khitbah. Both will be linked to how people
put it into practice. If during the khitbah, relationships between men-
men and women break the boundaries that have been determined
Islam, then it was unlawful. Courtship Likewise, if the person in
berpacarannya doing things that are forbidden by Islam, then it
was unlawful.

If someone makes love with the opposite sex who are not
intended to marry her then or in the near future,
what is haraam? Of course not, because love is the nature
provided gods, as in his word following:
"And among His signs is that He created his
for you wives from jenismu own, so you tend to
and was comforted him, and made him think of you
love and affection. Surely, in that it really demikan
there are signs for people who think. "(Surat ar-Rum: 21)

God made love in man both in males
men and women. With a sense of love, human beings can live
in pairs. The existence of marriage must be preceded by a sense of
of love. If there is no love, surely no one is willing
build a home. Like animals, they have
instincts of sexuality but does not have a sense of love, so that
every time you can change partners. Animals do not build a house
the stairs.
Declaring love in the heart of honesty does not conflict with
Islamic Shari'a. Because no single verse or hadith
explicitly or implicitly forbids it. Islam only gives
boundaries between the permissible and which should not be in
relationship of men and women who are not husband and wife.

Among these restrictions are:

1. Not perform acts that could lead to adultery
Allah says, "And come not nigh to adultery:
fact that adultery is a heinous act and a
bad road. "(Surat al-Isra: 32)
The purpose of this paragraph, shall ye not
perform acts that could plunge you in
fornication. Among such actions as the two-pair
with the opposite sex a lonely place, including contact
holding hands, kissing, and so forth.

2. Do not touch women who are not mahram
Rasulullah SAW said, "Better to hold the iron is hot
rather than holding or touching a woman not his wife (if
he knew would weigh torment). "

3. Not alone with the opposite sex who is not mahram
Prohibited men and women who are not mahram for two-duan.
The Prophet SAW said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,
then do not ever with a woman he bersendirian
that are not mahram, because these three are the devil. "(Narrated by Ahmad)

4. Must keep the eye or vision
Because the key eye care. And the view that senders slander
often lead to fornication. Therefore God
said, "Say to the believing men let them
looked away (from the illicit) and guard of honor
..... And they say unto the woman let their
dims their eye of the unclean and the honor guard
them ... "(Surat an-Nur: 30-31)
Which meant his gaze that is keeping the view,
do not take my eyes just looking at your opponent let alone
kind of full of seething lust.

5. Closing the genitals
Obligated to women to keep the genitals and is prohibited
wear clothes that show off her figure, except for
her husband. In the hadith says that women who go out
with a dress that showed curves, using oil
fragrant smell fragrant, wearing "makeup" and so every
step condemned by the Angels, and every man who
looked the same as adultery with her. On the Day of Judgement
Such women will not smell it heaven (what else
go to heaven)
While the above limitations are not violated, then the courtship is permissible.
But the problem is it possible without going out n pandanga looked at each other,
holding, fun joking, kissing, and so forth. If
may please dating, but if not possible then do not
dating ever since prepared a painful doom awaits you.

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