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Jumat, 30 September 2011

Estafet Tunas Kelapa

Oil Shoots Relay troops.

      Shoot Coconut relay or commonly abbreviated as ETK is a tradition in the Scout Movement activity is a walk with a squad of Boy Scouts carry a variety of attributes such as the flag, the flag of Scout, the Torch, shoots of coconut and some other attributes. Relay coconut shoots done in a relay (relay) with the distance of each stage of approximately 5 km.

       Some of the shelves Pattimura Bantara-Marthatia SMK N 1 Blora never participated in Relay Branch of Oil participated in 2011 (precisely on 30 September 2011) and joined the Boy Scouts in Kwaran Tunjungan Enforcement .. Leaves of Kwartir (Kwaran) Tunjungan own set of two forces, each ETK forces consist of 61 personnel. To-61 personnel are referred to as core forces are divided into three groups, including the following:
  • The first group consists of two people carrying banners.
  • The second group consisted of 9 men carrying the flag, a man carrying a torch, a man carrying a message of the Governor and the people of the message and impression.
  • The third group consisted of 20 men carrying the flag of the Scout Movement, shoots 14 people carrier oil (embryo), two men carrying the torch up, a person carrying hurricane lamps, a conductor carrying the oil and 1 flag carrier Morse.
  • The fourth group consisted of eight people carrying sticks scout.
In addition to core troops consisting of 61 persons can be added with Pengembira Forces troops who walked behind the core. Composition of Forces pengembira tailored to the circumstances.

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Pisang Kukus Keju Karamel

Resep Pisang Kukus Keju Karamel Resep Pisang Kukus Keju Karamel
  • 4 buah pisang ambon, haluskan
  • 100 gr terigu
  • 20 sdm santan kental dari ½ butir kelapa
  • 50 gr gula pasir
  • 1 sdt kayu manis
  • 1 sdt pasta pisang
  • 75 gr keju parut
  • 5 sdm gula pasir, panaskan hingga menjadi karamel
Cara Membuat:

Pancake Bayam

resep pancake bayam

Bahan isi Pancake Bayam:

~ 1 sendok makan margarin untuk menumis
~ 50 gram daging giling ayam
~ ½ sendok teh bawang putih cincang
~ 1 sendok makan bawang bombay cincang
~ Garam, merica secukupnya
~ 50 mili air
~ 2 sendok makan saus tomat

Bahan Pancake Bayam :