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Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

My Activities in The Month of Ramadan

Ramadan has arrived. Can not eat and drink during the day. My activities outside of Ramadan is not much different from the days beyond the month of Ramadan. Such as cleaning, helping my parents, and learned also not be missed.

 But there is a little different. If you usually can eat and drink during the day, now can not anymore. Additionally, if outside of Ramadan we no tarawih prayers, Ramadan after every prayer 'Isha prayers tarawih us.

But there is a little different, ie Tarawih, Buka Puasa, and Sahur. Toward dawn, usually children membamgunkan person for the meal with a hit kentongan made ​​of bamboo and traveled from village to village.

Iftar is the highly anticipated. One weeks ago, the exact date is August 7, 2011, I and my classmates held an Open Fasting together. The event was also attended by former homeroom us time in class X, she is Mrs. Nuraini. She came with her husband and daughter, and sister.

Here's the photos while Buka Puasa with my friends:

Looks Yunanto who was enjoying his food.

Tiara, Puji, Destyan, and Yudha's axis while eating.

My friends were taking food.
Azizah, Nafi'i, and Yunanto always axis.

It appears Linda, Hesti, Dyan, and Uzi are eating.

Yudha show his food.

My friends turned, while the visible Nafi'i axis.

Mrs. Nuraini and her husband were eating.

Azizah, Linda, Hesti, and Dyan enjoyed the food.

Tiara that was filling the glasses that have been depleted.

Dyan, Uzi, and the apparent axis Yusi after eating.

The atmosphere in the house open with Azizah.

Here the atmosphere is open along at home Azizah. It appears Destyan was drinking his drink.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Resep Nastar

  • 200 gram mentega
  • 2 butir kuning telur
  • 50 gram gula halus
  • 350 gram terigu
  • 1 sendok makan maizena
  • 1 sendok makan susu bubuk
  • 1/4 sendok teh vanili
  • Selai nanas secukupnya
Bahan Olesan:

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Resep Brownies kukus

170 gram dark cooking chocolate
75 gram margarin
2 butir telur
75 gram gula pasir
75 gram tepung terigu
Kacang Walnut
½ Sendok teh baking powder

cara membuat :

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Martabak Pisang Keju

resep martabak pisangBahan-bahan Isi Martabak Pisang :

~ 2 sendok makan margarin/ mentega
~ 50 mili susu kental manis putih
~ 50 gram keju cheddar parut
~ 1 buahpisang raja, kukus dan potong-potong

Bahan kulit Martabak Pisang Keju:

~ 50 gram gula pasir
~ 250 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
~ ½ sendok teh garam
~ 50 gram tepung terigu protein tinggi
~ 1 sendok teh soda kue
~ 20 gram ragi instan
~ 4 butir telur ayam
~ 350 mili air

Cara membuat Martabak Pisang Keju: